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Teachers Resource Page
Positive Pit Stop Scripts
The use of language in our every day impacts the way we feel about ourselves. It is hugely influential in the way we learn, respond and communicate. Activating the power of language heightens engagement, learning and the sense of community.
The power of embedding
Positive Pit Stop Scripts into your day
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3- Live Training
(10 mins)
(for use in purchased school only, not to be shared unauthorised. Thank you for your cooperation)
Reflecting on how language is used in your everyday world is a game changer not only impacting your pupil's mindset, but for you own self talk, energy levels and communication each day.
An effective way to look at your use of language is to use our self-audit tools below.
Take a few minutes to complete these Google forms to enhance your positive language use.
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